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(PHP Development, SaaS application) Business School Gaming application
Executive Summary

Our client, who is a provider of creative form of education solution using smart technologies and gaming environment in Europe wanted a gaming application which can be used in business schools to simplify the process of learning business concepts for both students and professors practically.
The concepts included buying and selling of items, changing item’s price based on availability and demand, duties, taxes, interest rates, multi currencies, transportation charges, insurances, natural unavoidable events (like thunder, rains etc.) based on certain game probability, legality, forming teams and much more.
Development by The Web Fosters:
The Web Fosters proposed a SaaS (Software as a service) website gaming application. Our skilled PHP developers developed a web application have 3 components, one for management or super admin to manage all education institutions, one for professors of the schools and one for students to play games.
1. The management component developed to be easy and friendly for adding / editing / deleting of schools with many other subscription parameters like expiration date, maximum user limit, activate or deactivate all users for a school and also adding of professors directly from management site
2. The professor component developed is used for managing of different classes, students, and forming of teams. Professors can assign different tasks to teams, manage game round and can do many more things.
3. The student component is the most important as everything revolved around them. So our clients wanted it to be very interactive, innovative and user friendly. It had a dashboard, bank section and assignment section.
1. The web application involved different user types like super admin, professors and students. So ACL (access control limit) has been implemented.
2. Multi currency was implemented.
3. HTML5 Canvas was used to make draw shapes and make game the interactive.
4. As it was a SaaS application, support for multi-lingual or localization was added.
Technical Stack:
LAMP, PHP, Laravel 5.2 framework, MySQL, jQuery, datatables, accounting js, Twitter Bootstrap, HTML5, bitbucket SCM.