
Environment variables: Best way to save configuration variables in a PHP application


Almost all PHP application use configuration variables to store configurations; like database credentials, memcache details, 3rd part api details and many others.

According to The Twelve-factor App all these config should Never be committed to SCM and developers should keep it separate from codebase. Further they suggest that config should be stored in environment variables (env vars or env).

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php 7 features and benchmark

php-7 new features, improvements, and benchmark

PHP 7.0 released on December 2015, still there are changes/fixes in progress with current version being PHP 7.0.9 (change log)

No doubt PHP development is easy, with PHP 7 it has become more developer friendly, 2x faster performance and 50% better memory consumption than PHP 5.6. In turn it allows to server more concurrent request without adding extra hardware.

In the article I will highlight some of the useful feature in php 7.0 , improvement in PHP 7.0 and benchmark of php 7.0 with Magento, Drupal, Wordpress, Laravel, Zend Framework2 and sugarCRM.

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